
Dramatic re-enactment of Jesus’ passion and death
Dramatic re-enactment of Jesus’ passion and death

Over the recent Easter weekend, the Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community celebrated its biennial Light to the Nations pilgrimage. Light to the Nations has been held for over 30 years, and seeks to bring together Catholics, especially young people, to celebrate the Eater Triduum with a pilgrimage experience. Around 1000 people from all over Australia came together this year for the event held at the Mount Carmel Retreat Centre in Varroville in Sydney, with most camping out in the Retreat Centre grounds. The event brought together young people, families and religious together in a communal spirit.

The pilgrimage commenced with the Holy Thursday liturgy and ended on Easter Sunday. It included all the Easter liturgies as well as the Stations of the Cross with a dramatic re-enactment of the Jesus’ passion and death, a Rosary Walk, a reconciliation night, and other sessions of prayer, worship and teaching. The pilgrimage brings together the ancient traditions of the Church within the context of the charismatic expression and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It also is a great example of the laity and religious working together, with community members and friends of the community working closely with the Missionaries of God’s Love brothers and sisters, which are also members of the Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community.

Participants of the pilgrimage testified to the powerful movement of the Spirit over the weekend, drawing them deeper into the wonder of Jesus passion, death and resurrection. For some the weekend provided a significant turning point in their faith life, with many coming forward and committing their lives to the Lord Jesus. The pilgrimage ended with all participants being commissioned to take their experience and go out and share the good news with others.
More information on Light to the Nations can be found at

Easter liturgy at Light to the Nations
Easter liturgy at Light to the Nations
Outdoor liturgy
Outdoor liturgy
